miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017



33-Find information on the internet and answer the questions.
     a)What is a Guarneri?
       He was a famous luthier
     b)Which famous luthiers lived in the italian city of Cremona?
       Stradivari, Bergonzi, Guarneri and Ruggeri 

34-Find information about Antonio Stradivari and complete the table.
    He born 1644 in Cremona an died in 1737 in Cremona (aged 93),he was an aprendice of Poll Androise.He made     string instruments.He made 1200 violins, 18 violas, 80 cellos, 4 guitar,1arp. Min-Jin Kym have 1             violin.

                                                                                                                                             ALVARO VILLAR

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